

"Kameni pas" (Stone Dog) was recorded in 2010-2011 in Pastir's private studio in Subotica. It was recorded by Danijel Davcik Danco, Stefan Rajsic and Svetislav Rajsic and produced by Danijel Davcik and Svetislav Rajsic.

CD cover art by Basch and Svetislav Rajsic.


1. Bozje zapovesti - God's commandments
2. Kameni pas - Stone dog
3. Zlatni jubileji - Golden Jubilee
4. Ti nisi ta - You are not the one
5. Ne budi zla - Don't be evil
6. Cudesna moc - Miraculous power
7. Gde si - Where are you
8. Sam - Alone
9. Vrata raja - Heaven doors
10. Kojim putem - Which way
11. Kraj - The end



"Boginja cednosti" (Goddess of Chastity) was recorded in 2008 in Pastir's private studio in Subotica. It was recorded by Danijel Davcik Danco, Stefan Rajsic and Svetislav Rajsic and produced by Danijel Davcik and Svetislav Rajsic.

CD cover art by Leonid Pilipovic and Svetislav Rajsic.


1. Reci mi (Tell Me)
2. Mrtva Straza (Dead Watch)
3. Zelim (I Wish)
4. Lutke od papira (Paper Dolls)
5. Moj zivot (My Life)
6. Letimo u nebo (Fly to the Sky)
7. Opet isto (Same Again)
8. Prosjak ljubavi (Beggar of Love)
9. Krajnji putnik (Final Journeyman)
10. Put za vecnost (Road to Eternity)
11. Svetlost (Light)
12. Laku noc (Good Night)

